Hey All,

Just a bit of general info for those of you who have the..."Check Engine Soon" light on:

I pressure washed my engine after a 4x4 trip. My "Check Engine Soon" light came on after I was done. It wasn't on before I pressure washed it.

After driving around with my "Check Engine Soon" light on for a few weeks and trying everything I read in the posts, with no luck, I tried a few more things on my own.

After a few more days of trying everything I could think of, I was ready to take it to the dealership.

So there I was, 6:30am started up my X, on my way to the dealership, the light came on as expected. It was very cold outside, so I turned on the heater as high as it would go to defrost my windshield. It took me a few extra minutes to scrape off the frost from the rest of my windows.
I got in my X, turned on the windshield wipers and looked down at the dash. I noticed my "Check Engine Soon" light was off...

I was amazed...But to be sure it wasn't a fluke, I turn my engine off, turned the accessory on and I saw all my dash lights come on. I started my X again, and all the lights went off. I drove around for a half hour or so, then shut down again, and did another light check...All good.

Started my X once more, and all my dash lights went out...I drove home and havn't had a problem with any of my dash lights since.

I am guessing, there was some water condensation built up after I pressure washed the engine compartment...When I turned the heater on high, it evaporated the condensation away.

I thought i'd post this message, just in case anyone else has experienced the same problem after an engine pressure wash.

Good Luck...
Best Regards,
Andy -AKA- KaiOtiK
"rEaLiTy iS tHe ExIsTeNz Of CoUpLeD vIsUaLiZaTiOn"