NS5 Crandall Peak Trail Quote from Backcountry Adventures: Northern California
Starting Point: California 108, 2 miles north of Strawberry
Finishing Poing: Parrots Ferry Road (CR E18), 1 mile southeast of California 4
Total Mileage: 36.6 miles, plus 6.9-mile spur to Sand Bar Flat
Unpaved Mileage: 28.8 miles, plua 6.9-mile spur
Driving Time: 5 hours
Elevation Range: 1,000 - 6,000 ft
Usually Open: April to November
Best Time to Travel: Dry weather
Difficulty Rating: 3
Scenic Rating: 9
Remoteness Rating: +1
NS1 Clavey Bridge Road Quote from Backcountry Adventures: Northern California
Starting Point: Buchanan Road (FR 14), 2.3 miles northeast of Tuolumne
Finishing Poing: FR31, 0.6 miles west of FR17
Total Mileage: 33.7 miles
Unpaved Mileage: 33.7 miles
Driving Time: 3.5 hours
Elevation Range: 2,300 - 4,400 ft
Usually Open: April to November
Best Time to Travel: Dry weather
Difficulty Rating: 3
Scenic Rating: 9
Remoteness Rating: +1
These 2 are the closest to Angels Camp from the book. It looks like there is a few more trails available if you're willing to drive a bit more.
Interested? :rolleyes: